Our Mission

How do we facilitate their means of success in this life and the next? We believe the answer lies in inspiring growth through a nurturing education built on a sacred foundation.

Inspiring growth. We believe that the purpose of knowing more Islam is not just to score higher at your local masjid’s trivia night. Rather, learning more about our beautiful religion is supposed to make you a better person - transform your life into one that is more in line with the Qur’anic injunctions and Prophetic personality.

Nurturing Education. We try to do our best to make sure that in every type of educational environment you are a part of at Qalam, you feel welcome, connected, loved, and cared for. From our trips, retreats, and intensives to our podcasts, online classes, and webinars, we’re not just a face or a name that preaches, but members of your community here to serve you.

Sacred Foundation. Despite our ever-changing communities, we strive to always connect what we impart back to the sources: the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet tradition. Islam is and always has been relatable, and that’s what we’re hoping you take from us.

Since February 2009, we have adopted a three-pronged approach to our mission.

  1. Ta'leem: Learning of sacred knowledge

  2. Tarbiya: Personal growth and development

  3. Suhba: Mentorship and companionship

Our Vision

We envision a community that thrives off of accessible Islamic knowledge and the practical use of education to raise a community of leaders and activists who are well-equipped for the ever-changing socioeconomic and political scope.

In order to serve individuals, families, and communities across the globe, we have made efforts to provide a variety of relevant and successful Islamically-based solutions in a practical, integrated, and professional way.

Annual Report